
Empowering Uses of Hip Hop: From Theory to Practice or From Practice to Theory?

Colloquium Lecture by Raphael Travis Jr

October 29, 2024 (Tuesday) — 5:15 PM to 7:00 PM
Lerner Center 101
Penn Music Building
201 S. 34th Street, Room 101

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In this session, we will briefly describe foundational theory and research related to how expressive arts in general, and Hip Hop culture more specifically, can positively impact mental health and well-being. Recent research continues to examine how active and intentional uses of music can promote empowering music-related outcomes that link to both personal and community well-being; from self-care, to prevention, to treatment, to social action. We will discuss how recent findings help us more strategically provide opportunities for people, especially youth/young adults within trauma inducing environments around the globe, to use Hip Hop culture for academic, social, and emotional well-being, with or without professional support. We will also provide snapshots of interactive exercises to help illuminate how we can use Hip Hop culture (and arts in general) within education, research, and practice.


Raphael Travis Jr. is a Professor at Texas State University in the School of Social Work and a licensed clinical social worker (TX). His research, practice and consultancy work emphasize healthy development over the life-course, resilience, and civic engagement. He also investigates creative arts, especially Hip-Hop culture, as a source of health and well-being for individuals and communities. He is author of the book “The Healing Power of Hip Hop” and co-editor of “Music for Inclusion and Healing in Schools.” His latest research, linking arts engagement and well-being, appears in a variety of academic journals and book chapters.


This event is free and open to the public. If you attend in person, there is no need to register. We ask that you join us in person if at all possible, but for those of you who are unable to physically attend we encourage you to participate via Zoom. Please use the link to attend virtually.


This lecture is part of the 2024-25 Penn Music Colloquium Series. The Department of Music's main Colloquium Series showcases new research by leading scholars in music and sound studies and composers both in the United States and internationally.  All Music Colloquia will take place in Room 101 of the Lerner Center on Tuesdays at 5:15 PM.