Applications for the Spring 2025 are now open. The deadline to sign up will be Thursday, January 23 at 5:00pm. No late applications will be accepted.
Please contact an instructor from our roster to arrange the lessons. Once the two of you have agreed to work together, please complete the application form.
**Pianists new to the program (especially classical pianists and beginning level students): Please contact David Hughes to help determine the best instructor match before contacting other instructors.
Instructor Roster
Application Form
Lesson Options and Fees:
Students may elect to take 60-minute or 30-minute lessons. All students receive 10 lessons per semester. Only 60-minute lessons can be taken for credit (MUSC 0050). Lessons for all students are partially subsidized. The fees for the Spring 2025 semester (after the subsidy is applied) are as follows:
60-minute lessons: $650 (whether enrolled in MUSC 0050 or not)
30-minute lessons: $250 (not eligible for enrollment in MUSC 0050)
In cooperation with the Office of College Houses and Academic Services, the Department of Music at Penn offers those interested in pursuing private lessons the opportunity to study with the most highly acclaimed musicians in the region. The variety of instructors available to students through the Blutt College House Music Program assists students in finding a good match for their current skill level, and this whether they are just beginning to explore a musical instrument or are already accomplished musicians in their own right. All students may elect to take their lessons for credit (MUSC 0050). Declared music majors and minors may also choose to audition for the more rigorous applied music course in solo performance, the Marian Anderson Solo Performance Program (MUSC 0100A, B)—a course that requires juries and a rather more intensive engagement with the student’s instrument or voice part than is expected in MUSC 0050.