
Daniel Villegas Vélez

Daniel Villegas Vélez, Rutgers University
Nov 29, 2016 at - | Penn Music Building - Lerner 102, 201 S. 34th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104

"The Noise Behind: Dorsality, Spectacle, and Sovereignty in Peri’s Euridice and Monteverdi’s Orfeo" 

Daniel Villegas Vélez is a Postdoctoral Associate at the Center for Cultural Analysis at Rutgers University (New Brunswick). Daniel received his PhD in musicology at Penn in 2016. His work addresses the political aesthetics of sonorous performance and musical thought, focusing on the early modern period and the present. His research centers on the question of the materiality of sound, displacing issues of affect, mimesis, representation, and historicism towards a baroque sensibility that embraces multiplicity, historicity and dissemination. As a postdoctoral associate, Daniel will be working on a book project entitled Orpheus’ Dorsal Turn: Mimetology and Myth in Early Opera. Forthcoming publications include an essay on timbre and materiality for the Oxford Handbook of Timbre and a paper on affect and mimesis in Athanasius Kircher’s Musurgia Universalis.