
Italian Madrigals on Tablets: The Marenzio Online Digital Edition (MODE)

The event is organized by the Music Department, the Center for Italian Studies, and the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts, and is co-sponsored by the Digital Humanities Forum.

Mauro Calcagno (Penn), Giuseppe Gerbino (Columbia University), and Laurent Pugin (Répertoire International des Sources Musicales) discuss the digital edition of the secular music of Luca Marenzio (15531599), one of the most important composers of the European Renaissance, who set to music poetry by Petrarch, Tasso, Bembo, Sannazaro, and others. Under development by an international team of scholars from the US and Europe, with the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Center for Digital Research and Scholarship at Columbia University, MODE is one of the most innovative music projects in digital humanities. It introduces a new model for generating and disseminating modern editions of Western music, integrating musical philology and digital technology. New software applications for the optical recognition, superimposition, and collation of early music prints (Aruspix), and a new digital interface for the representation of music notation (Verovio)developed by Pugin in conjunction with the Marenzio project–offer users a web-based dynamic environment for the study and performance of sixteenth-century polyphony.


Mauro Calcagno (University of Pennsylvania):
The Marenzio Project

Giuseppe Gerbino (Columbia University):
Music Philology in the Digital Age

Laurent Pugin (Répertoire International des Sources Musicales--Switzerland):
Studying and Performing Music with Online Digital Music Editions

Music Performance
Penn Madrigal Singers: Lily Kass (leader), Maria Murphy, Suzanne Bratt, Tristan Pare-Morin, Charlie Shrader
