
draft / patch / weave

Shuttle Service stop #1
Nov 12, 2022 at - | The Chocolate Factory, 4750 James St. Philadelphia, PA 19137

Shuttle Service presents draft/ patch/ weave, a collaboration between artists Anna Bockrath and Jacob Weinberg that explores the expressive possibilities of two tools that use patterns in their operation: the floor loom and the modular synthesizer.

The performance of draft/ patch/ weave will be followed by additional featured quadraphonic sets (having little or nothing to do with weaving) by Phil Yeah, Tina Kalakay, and Chris Powell.

Earlier in the day, Modular on the Spot will share electronic tonalities from 1-4PM

All of the above is part of Velocities, a one-day (11AM-7PM) festival presented by Meantime at the former Blumenthal Brothers Chocolate Company featuring Now+Then Marketplace, snacks, workshops, demos, and more.

This event takes place on the first and second floors of the currently vacant, concrete-frame factory whose historic structure was the birthplace of the iconic SnoCaps, Goobers, Raisinets, and Chunky Bars.

The Chocolate Factory
4750 James St.
Philadelphia, PA 19137

Shuttle Service is a community-based project organized by Rachel Snack and Eugene Lew that spotlights and facilitates collective creation via weaving and sound/music making. Support for Shuttle Service has been provided by The Sachs Program for Arts Innovation.