Shivanand Boddapati

Image of Shivanand Boddapati

Second Year Joint Graduate Student in South Asia Regional Studies and Ethnomusicology

I am a joint PhD candidate in South Asia Studies and Ethnomusicology. I am interested in using archival and ethnographic methods to study how music gains political, economic, and commercial value in society. For my dissertation, I am working on the emergence and nature of political cultures of music in the regions of Telangana and Andhra. I study music that spans the period from the 1930s to the present, and aim to locate the traditions of song and performance that are drawn on by this music. I use ethnographic methods to understand the active ways in which these processes have been revitalised in recent years due to the movement for a separate Telangana state.

I developed an interest in political music during my Master’s program where I researched how political music in these regions operated in relationship to the state, sometimes being proscribed, and later assimilated into mainstream institutions. During my Bachelor’s degree, I studied the implications of the social and political modernity ascribed to composers in Carnatic music. My skills in singing, translating, and archiving actively inform my academic work. I have trained as a Carnatic vocalist for many years, and this experience has made me sensitive to the role of institutions in the construction of music. I have had experience in translating from Telugu to English and was involved in co-translating the book Caste and Class by Bojja Tarakam in 2020. I have worked in a business archive for a year and am interested in documentation and exhibition practices.


B.A. in Humanities (History, Literature, Philosophy) from Azim Premji University

M.A in Modern Indian Studies from the University of Göttingen

Research Interests

Music and Social Hierarchy, Music and the State, History of Genres, Economics and Music