Michael Klein is Professor of Music Studies and former Chair of the Department of Music
Studies at Temple University. In the latter capacity, he created the Ph.D. in Music program,
which already has had success in placing students in academic positions. In Spring 2012 he spent
a semester as Visiting Associate Professor of Music Theory at Indiana University, and in Fall
2016 he served as Visiting Professor at Princeton University. Klein’s research is directed toward
critical theory and its applications to understanding music. His publications include two books:
Intertextuality in Western Art Music, and Music and the Crises of the Modern Subject (both with
Indiana University Press). He is also the co-editor (with Nicholas Reyland) of the collection
Music and Narrative since 1900 (IU Press). He has written on a wide variety of topics, including
time in the music Debussy (19th-Century Music), narrative in the music of Chopin (Music
Theory Spectrum and Journal of Music Theory), affect theory (in the collection Music Analysis
and the Body), literature and music (in the collection The Edinburgh Companion to Literature
and Music), and in various essays, Lacanian psychoanalysis, semiotics, subjectivity, music in
peak TV, and music and the posthuman. His current book project concerns the three cinematic
adaptations of Maugham’s The Painted Veil in terms of interpellation. For a decade, Klein served
as Associate Editor of the journal 19th-Century Music. He has given lectures throughout the
United States and Europe.
Michael Klein

Visiting Professor Music Studies Professor, Temple University Boyer College of Music and Dance
Lerner Music Building/6313