
Ensemble Pamplemousse

November 16, 2022 (Wednesday) - 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM

University Lutheran Church
3637 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Bowerbird Series
https://www.bowerbird.org/(link is external)



Pamplemousse presents! a brand-new collection of pieces about th elephant in the room, the devil is in the details, the cat's meow, The Whole Nine Yards, and the bottom line. Using instruments new and old, mechanical and human-operated, digital and digitized, some of the pieces explode various implications of system failure and its echoes into ecosystems of organized wiggling air molecules. Others explore the concept of shadow— shadows shorten and lengthen as time speeds up and slows down in reaction to situation and thought, a useful analog for musical composition.

New works performed and composed by David Broome, Natacha Diels, Andrew Greenwald, Bryan Jacobs, and Weston Olencki.



Composer/performer collective Ensemble Pamplemousse was founded in 2003 to provide a focal point for like-minded creators with a thirst for sonic exploration. The ensemble is a close-knit group of divergent artistic personalities, emergent from training in disparate musical fields. Their collective love for the exquisite in all sonic realms leads the ensemble to persistently discover new vistas of sound at the frayed edges of dissective instrumental performance technique. Compositions aggregate each member's unique virtuosic talents into extraordinary magical moments. In the flexible moments of performance, the ensemble weaves together shapes of resonance, clusters of glitch, skitters of hyper action, and masses of absurdity into impeccable structures of unified beauty.

And here’s a link their most recent publicly released music:
https://pamplemoussies.bandcamp.com/album/shadows(link is external)