Liberal Arts Major in Music

The music major is founded on a balance between the fields of Music History, Ethnomusicology, Theory, and Composition. Five core courses provide a foundation for the broad study of music, including introductory courses to European art music, American musical traditions, ethnomusicology, and two courses in music theory. Music Majors complete a total of 14 course units. In addition to the five core courses (6 c.u.'s), Music Majors choose four elective intermediate courses (numbered 3000 and above), two capstone seminars (4300, 4500, 4700, or graduate level seminars) and 2 c.u.'s participation in performance/ensemble courses.

Honors in the Major (Optional):
To be eligible for departmental honors, a student must have a 3.5 grade point average within the department and must have completed a senior thesis [registration in MUSC 4097 and 4098 required]. Please note that the first semester of the senior thesis must be taken in spring of the student’s junior year—this is when the student does initial planning and research for the thesis. The writing of the thesis will take place in fall of their senior year. Please find complete guidelines here.

Detailed Liberal Arts Music Major program requirements, course descriptions, and other useful information can be viewed in the University Catalog Please note:  all courses must be taken for a letter grade (Pass/Fail registration option may not be utilized for any course in the major).

The Music major can be declared by logging in to Path@Penn and submitting a “Declare/Update field of study form.”  All potential majors will meet with the Undergraduate Chair prior to declaring the major to discuss coursework, goals and any programmatic questions.

Music majors are requested to complete a declaration statement.  Interested students can answer the following questions in short paragraph form:

  • Why are you choosing a music major?
  • Which subfields are you most interested in exploring (history, composition, theory, ethnomusicology)?
  • Do you think you would like to write a senior thesis to graduate with honors?
  • Do you have an additional major or minor? If so, what?
  • Do you have any ideas yet about what you want to do with your major after Penn?

Additional information and course restrictions:

The performance requirement can be met using the following courses or combination of courses:
MUSC0070, Ensemble Performance .  (.5 c.u. per course)
MUSC0100, Marian Anderson Performance Programs. (two semester course with .5 c.u. per course, total1 c.u.).

MUSC3660, Performance Analysis, and History (1 c.u.).   MUSC3660 may be taken multiple times, but can only count once as a major elective, and no more than twice toward the performance requirement.  Please note that a course that counts as an elective may not ALSO count toward the performance requirement.
