Performance Analysis History

MUSC 3660

This weekly seminar explores music from the past and present through class discussions of performance, historical context, and analytical aspects of the music. It is led by a professor in coordination with a variety of performers. One example (limited to Westerm Art Music) would be an in-depth study of chamber music repertoire led by an expert in composition or music history in partnership with the Daedalus Quartet. Students prepare a final performance at the end of the semester as well as a paper/presentation. Objectives include fostering high level performance that is informed by a deep understanding of the music at hand, both analytically and historically. This course is in line with the department's mission of integrating performance and academics, providing a kind of integrated capstone experience for the undergraduate musicians by bringing together their individual studies in their instruments/voices with the exploration of the most recent scholarship, aiming at forming thinking and academically-informed musicians.

If you take MUSC 3660 as one of the performance requirements for the Major, it would not be counted as elective. MUSC 3360 can be taken multiple times, but can only count once as a major or minor elective, no more than twice toward the performance requirement. Any given semester of 3660 cannot count for both an elective and a performance requirement at once--it has to be one or the other.