Monique Ingalls, Ph.D. ('08) publishes new book
Singing the Congregation: How Contemporary Worship Music Forms Evangelical Community (Oxford University Press, 2017).
"Black Opera and Verdi": Talk by Naomi André on Thu. Oct. 25 at 5:15 in rm. 101
We are excited to announce that, on Thursday 10/25 at 5:15 in room 101, Prof. Naomi André (University of Michigan) will present a talk entitled “Black Opera and Verdi: Ulrica, Aida, and Otello”
Assistant Professor Mary Caldwell publishes article in JRMA
View full article, "Cueing Refrains in the Medieval Conductus," Journal of the Royal Musical Association 2018, Vol. 143, Issue 2.
Scott Ordway (Ph.D. in Composition, 2013) announces 2018-19 season
The 2018-19 season includes world premiere performances of four large-scale works by Scott Ordway: a commissioned orchestral piece in Tucson; an opera-in-development in New York; a 45-minute monodrama on original texts in Frankfurt; and an evening-length theater of music, directed by the composer, in San Antonio.
David Osbon (Ph.D. in Composition, 1997) releases CD of original compositions.
The CD collection is called 'Athens after Prometheus' recorded by the Anglo American Duo and is released on the Albany label (available from all the usual online and download outlets!).
Juan Castrillón, Ph.D. candidate in Ethnomusicology, appointed
Research Assistant at the Center for Experimental Ethnography of the UPENN Anthropology Department (2018-2019), and director of the CAMRA Screening Scholarship Media Film Festival 2019.
American Musicological Society awards three PENN Ph.D.'s
Siel Agugliaro (fifth-year Ph.D. candidate, musicology) and Brooke McCorkle (Ph.D. 2015) are recipients of the 2018 AMS William Holmes/Frank D’Accone Endowment for travel and research in the history of opera. Maria Ryan (fourth-year Ph.D. candidate, musicology) is a recipient of the 2018 AMS Ora Frishberg Saloman Fund for musicological research.
Maria Ryan, Ph.D. candidate in Musicology, wins Nicholas Temperley Student Paper Prize
Maria Ryan’s paper, entitled “Hearing and Performing Race in Post-Emancipation Antigua” was awarded the Nicholas Temperley Student Paper Prize at the 2018 Biennial conference of the North American British Music Studies Association.
Siel Agugliaro, Ph.D. candidate in Musicology, blog posting featured in
our 8/6/2018 Penn Today Newsletter.
2018-2019 AUDITIONS for all departmental ensembles announced
The Department of Music announces auditions for all departmental ensembles for the 2018-2019 academic year. All ensembles are open to the entire Penn community - undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the University City community. Undergraduates are also able to elect to receive .5 credit/semester for participation. Please click HERE to sign up for an audition, find out about audition requirements, and learn more about each ensemble.