Research in Good Relation: Toward Decolonizing Music Studies
With Olivia Bloechl, Elyse Carter Vosen, and Lee Veeraraghavan
Research in Good Relation: Toward Decolonizing Music Studies
Tuesday, April 20, 2021 - 5:15pm to 7:00pm
This is a virtual
 discussion. Email Glenda Goodman (ggoo@sas.upenn.edu) for meeting details.
Join us for a conversation about "Research in Good Relation: Toward Decolonizing Music Studies," featuring Olivia Bloechl, Lee Veeraraghavan, and Elyse Carter Vosen and moderated by Glenda Goodman.
As current and former members of the UPenn Music Department, we aim to reflect collectively on how the long-standing injustices and marginalization/silencing of Native American and Indigenous communities in North America reverberate in our research, teaching, and service. Interrogating the legacies of settler colonial institutions and the inequitable intellectual inheritances that have emerged (i.e. what counts as knowledge, who gets to participate, how resources are allocated, etc.), we will begin asking ourselves what it could look and sound like to enter into a process of decolonizing Music Studies. How do we grapple with the issue of land, cultural, and musical acknowledgment of Native presence in our city, on our campus, and in our thinking? How do we connect thinking broadly about disciplinary histories of violence, exclusion, and marginalization to thinking specifically about the ways that our local music department can engage in beginning to redress these histories?
Image credit: Illustration of Lerner Center by Lusi Klimenk, Penn Arts & Sciences