Music Computer Lab

The University of Pennsylvania Music Computer Lab installation was completed in January 1996. This facility was funded by SAS Computing, grants from the Instructional Computing Development Fund, a Pew grant from the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Music Department. The lab, located on the 2nd floor of the Music Building, has workstations consisting of a computer, keyboard controller, and audio interface. The instructor's station has additional sound resources, and audio transfer and editing equipment. All stations are equipped for audio synthesis, editing, sequencing, notation, and basic video editing.


Monday – Thursday, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Lerner Center 201 sends email)

The lab is designed primarily to serve undergraduates registered in music classes.
 Priority users are students in classes requiring or recommending lab work. 
Students should attend an orientation session before using the lab. Times will be announced in classes and posted in the lab.

Basic Information

  • Headphones are provided for use in the lab only.
  • Food and vaping/smoking is not permitted in the lab.
  • The desktop configurations of the computers should not be altered.
  • No student work is to be left on the hard drives.
  • Copying and installing software is prohibited.
  • Printing is available for Music classes only.

Please report any problems with equipment or software to one of the lab consultants or email sends email)