Penn Music's Katherine Scahill has been named one of 22 Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellows for 2024. administered by the Institute for Citizen's & Scholars. The award will fund her upcoming dissertation, "The gendered politics of religious authority in Thai Buddhism: Voice, embodiment, and sonic efficacy in the movement for female monastic ordination."
From the Institute for Citizens & Scholars:
The Newcombe Fellowship, funded by the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation, is the largest and most prestigious award for Ph.D. candidates in the humanities and social sciences addressing questions of ethical and religious values in interesting, original, or significant ways. Fellows receive a 12-month award of $31,000 to support the final year of dissertation writing.
The Newcombe Dissertation Fellowship helps promising scholars generate momentum, strengthening fields of study, and preparing new generations of citizens through their teaching and research. For more information on the Newcombe Dissertation Fellowship, please visit citizensandscholars.org/fellowships/newcombe/.