Penn Composer’s Forum

Composer's Forum is a regular meeting of graduate composers, often along with other members of the Penn composing community, in which recent performances are discussed, musical issues taken up, and visitors occasionally welcomed to present their work or offer master classes. In addition to bi-monthly Forum meetings, students will be paired with a composer for individual lessons in composition. Ph.d. Candidates in Composition in their third year in the program will continue non-credit participation in both forum and lessons.

The 2022-23 Forum includes group and individual meetings with TAK Ensemble, individual meetings with composer Caroline Shaw, special guest presentations from Sky Macklay and Ensemble Adapter, open rehearsals of student dissertation pieces, and professional development workshops. In addition to these events, student and faculty present on recent and ongoing work. On the off weeks, students use the hall for recording (a control room is attached), improvisation, or special projects.


Fall Semester

Week 1: Annual review of grad program
Week 3: New student presentations
Week 5: TAK Ensemble visits
Week 7: special guest: Sky Macklay
Week 9: Professional development— job talk
Week 11: TAK Ensemble visits
Week 13: Penn Sound Collective rehearsal and concert

Spring Semester

Week 1: Open rehearsal with Daedalus Quartet, Nathan Courtright dissertation piece
Week 3: TAK Ensemble visits
Week 5: Caroline Shaw individual meetings
Week 7: TAK Ensemble visits
Week 9: Special guest: Ensemble Adapter
Week 11: Professional development
Week 13: TAK Ensemble rehearsals and concert

Upcoming Events

Schedule TBA. Please check back later.